The Shalom Park Community Garden is a critical hub for environmental educational efforts, and is proving to be a powerful tool for engaging community members. The garden is free and open to all.
In 2021, volunteers spent over 700 hours maintaining the garden; the garden produced over 330 lbs of food donated to local charities; and over 600 individuals visited the garden for educational programs.
In order for the Shalom Park Community Garden to grow and thrive, we depend on funding to support Garden Coordinator salary, plant and ground cover purchases, and garden maintenance.
Shalom Green invites gardeners to share their abundant harvests through Project Pe'ah Forward. Gardeners can bring excess produce from their home garden to the Shalom Park Community Garden between 8 -10 am* on drop off days, Shalom Green volunteers will bag and label it for donation to the JFS Food Pantry.
Financial Support received from
The Jewish Federation of Greater Charlotte
Administrative support received from
The Foundation of Shalom Park